July 18, 2008

Go Green!

Do you ever wonder what this world will come to when we no longer have any room for trash? Have you seen the movie Wall-E? Do you recycle everything? Have you started buying more ecologically friendly staples? You should! Katy Lin at http://honestandlasting.blogspot.com/2008/07/my-very-first-giveaway.html is doing a giveaway for laundry detergent from Lets Go Green.biz http://www.letsgogreen.biz/index.html (sorry, I can't figure out the shortcut thing yet). So check her out and let's go green!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Love your blog! Wandered over from Amorette's blog after she'd given you an award also! I love winning! Also notice the infamous skatepark...my oldest son (13) used to go there all the time, until he decided he doesn't want to skate anymore...whatever!

I'll be visiting again soon. Have a great day!